Fashion, God, Life, Family and Inspirational Solace

7 April 2013

Skirt Of Many Colours

'When the Lord turned the capitivity of Zion, we were like them that dream Psalm 126:1'

It was a long and work full week, hope you are all doing great? Had to process an order for a customer and I had to go from one shop to the other to get some of the items like shoes, bags, dresses etc not really easy especially with two kids in tow but I love my job especially when it has to do with shopping hahaha but this time I was shopping for my customer and not for myself hang on a minute that didnt mean I didnt get anything for me.

My Deltan Princess number one  (Sienna) is the most polite girl on planet earth she says hi even to strangers and introduces herself the other day she said hello to a cat and said 'My name is Sienna' I laughed my head off who does that lollll. She says sorry when she has done something wrong, says please when she wants something and if you act as if you arent listening she goes 'pretty please mummy' with a sad face on which one cant refuse. She likes dressing up her baby sister while doing so she says 'see mummy she is a princess'.

Church was awesome today since it was thanksgiving one, danced and praised God like never before for all He has done for me and my family. Decided to wear this lovely pleated maxi skirt now have got a confession to make I was never a fan of maxi at all it doesnt matter if it is a skirt or dress I just didnt like anything below the knee until when I started seeing some nice things and I thought to myself why not give it a go there is no harm in trying and I loved it. I tend to buy things from any shop as long as its affordable and am comfortable wearing it. Love the Primark SS13 items and when I went shopping yesterday I popped into their shop and I saw this skirt I was like wow its got lots of colours one can pair it with so one can't run out of ideas. I tagged the outfit 'Skirts Of Many Colours' there is a story from the Bible about a young man who went from prison to palace yes am talking about Joseph, his dad made him a coat of many colours and cos of that his brothers were jealous and planned to kill him cos Joseph was a dreamer even though he was sold to slavery it didnt stop him from dreaming and God elevated him and made him a leader in a palace. God can change any man's life from zero to hero, He is still the same and He hasnt changed. He will change your life and give you the same testimony He gave to Joseph. Enough said enjoy the pics plss loll.

Blazer: H&M// Top: Primark// Skirt: Primark// Clutch: Betsey Jackson// Wristwatch: Accessorizes// Necklace: Dorothy Perkins// Shoes: Newlook//


  1. Lovely skirt and u paired it perfectly

  2. Gorgeous purse! I want!
    That skirt is to die for!
    You look amazing.

  3. Lolll JustPorsh hmmm your desire might just come true you know. Thanks dearie

  4. I love d blazer,and all things maxi!!! And d purse is so colourful!

  5. Thanks Seyi, how are you doing? Hope you are following my blog

  6. The colour choice is splendid!! I especially love the skirt!!

  7. Thanks Kayakroar, am following you now if you can follow me back that would be great. Thanks

  8. Great look, I'd definitely wear those outfits. And the skirt.. well, I'm speechless, it's amazing! You have a good sense of style, Esther! Well done!

    1. Awww thanks Citra really appreciate your comments. Thanks


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