Fashion, God, Life, Family and Inspirational Solace

29 April 2013

Get Shorty

'Thou shall call and I will answer thee: thou will have a desire to the work of thine hands Job 14;15'

Hello everyone, how are you all doing? Hope your weekend was splendid and you are looking forward to another beautiful, prosperous and great week. Still settling in our new house, unpacking and putting things where it should be. Its so amazing to know that we have an Advocate in Jesus, there is an assurance that when we call upon His name He answers us cos He is a loving Father, He said if we know how to give good gifts to our kids how much more He who is the creator of Heaven and earth, He is faithful and able to hear and answer all our heart desires, just speak to Him, talk to Him and come to Him as you are and He will answer you.

Yes to my outfit of the day, actually I didnt think I could actually wear this shorts today of cos I do wear shorts but most times in the comfort of my home when I wanted to go shopping the shorts stared at me as if its got eyes and I thought for like 5mins what  I would pair with it and I saw my neon top I got from H&M and I said yes thats it lol. Just wanted something I could walk round in the shops with and also to run after Sienna lol her energy seems to be on the increase everyday. Even though she doesnt seem to want to eat any food aside from chocolate, cake or M&Ms.

Hope you enjoy the pics, guys what do you think about my new hairstyle yes or nay am loving it though.

Blazer: NewLook// Top: H&M// Shoes: Jasper Conran// Shorts: H&M



  1. Lovely!!! And the hairstyle is fab!!

  2. You look amazing!
    I love Love your hair!!!

  3. You look sweet my sister. Proud of u. The hair really suits u

  4. Hey my sweet sis, thanks so much. How is my inlaw? Mwuahh


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