Fashion, God, Life, Family and Inspirational Solace

1 May 2013

Style Icon: Stella of Jadore-Fashion

Yes something new on my blog yipppeee, hello everyone and a happy new month to you too. How are y'all doing? Hope you week is going on well? Am so excited cos I have been planning on this new feature on the blog for some time now so here we are lol. This new feature is about featuring style icons, people who I admire their style and their fashion sense every 1st day of each month, who else to start this new feature but pretty, beautiful, loving, warm, chic and sohisticated mum-to-be and a dutiful wife too.

Her name is Stella Eneanya, born in Enugu, Nigeria, lives in Maryland now with her handsome husband she has a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and Master in Business and Finance.

Ever since I found her blog I have been an ardent follower with great anticipation and with great excitement to see what she would be wearing. She has inspired me in more ways than she knows. I love, love the way she makes every clothing classic and chic, her style is phenomenal and she relates with her audience thru her fashion blog with great warmth and respect. She has proved to us that one can be pregnant and still look fabulous and sexy at the same time, I think Kim K should take a cue from her cos she rocks. Please visit her blog

She is my 1st Style Icon of the month of May.

I want to acknowledge her wonderful husband and photographer friend  Paosin.who takes amazing pictures. And I also want to say a big thank you to Stella too for giving me this privilege of featuring her on my blog she is such a great fashion style icon. Thanks a lot.


  1. Wow, she is soooooo stylish!

    Would you like to follow each other?

    Sophisticated Lace

  2. Yes she is, thanks for your comments, and yes we can follow each other. I am following you now if you can follow back that would be great. Thanks

  3. I always admire her style, even though she is pregnant, she is still always stylish.
    Just found your blog and I like it already.

  4. I do too she is an inspiration. Awww thanks so much, do u want us to follow each other if yes then please follow and I will follow back. Thanks

  5. I adore her collection of skirts! Amazing colors and shapes ;) She's definitely got style. Lovely blog girl. Love you sense of style. Keeping an eye on you and hope to stay in touch!



  6. Yea, those skirts of hers. Thanks so much for your lovely comment, and I am keeping an eye on you too this time its 'an eye for an eye' lol.

    Those printed pants you wore on your blog wish I could have it lol.

  7. I looooove her skirts! I want me of one those!

  8. Thanks a lot Esther for the feature


  9. And thanks a lot too Stella for the priviledge of featuring you on my blog. Its much appreciated.

  10. I love Stella's style! Very very classy.
    Didn't even realize she had been featured here, nice!


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