Fashion, God, Life, Family and Inspirational Solace

2 April 2013

Denim On Denim

 'Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen Heb11:1'

Hello Lovelies,

Hope you are all fine and fashionably blessed loll, have had couple of stressful days especially with our house hunt but we are getting there by Gods grace. Have got faith in God and for the fact that He who rose from the grave is able and willing to take us to where He wants us to be. Are you believing God for something, it doesnt matter how small or how big it is our God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than we can ever ask or imagine. Just have faith.

My baby girl who is going to be 9 months in few days time started crawling already, now wants to start on her own its so amazing when you watch them grow, I remember when I had her, and how tiny she was. Now I am so blessed when I see her smile, laugh and even cry loll yes she does cry and she does this funny face when she cries lolll.

Spring is officially I mean officially here it was quite sunny today a bit windy in one of the pics you would actually see that my hat flew off my head loll. My Deltan King laughed his  head off it was funny. Went to look at a house today been meaning to wear denim on denim but I wanted something different when I went to this thrift shop this hat caught my attention its a Peter Bentley's hat and it was of cos on sale loved the ribbons on it. So I decided to spice the outfit with the hat and my small clutch from H&M. Hope you enjoy the pics.

And off it goes loll
Denim Top: Newlook// Jeans: Newlook// Shoes: Faith// Hat: Peter Bentley of London (Thrifted)// Clutch: H&M// Necklace: Ruby
Up, up and awayyyyyy

Thanks y'all love you


  1. I'm a huge fan of denim on denim. You nailed this look! I love ur clutch n hat.

  2. Awww thanks dearie, I am too just wanted to do something different with it by adding a hat.

  3. You look stunning.I love your hat and clutch.

  4. Trendy you make my head swell thanks so much


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