Fashion, God, Life, Family and Inspirational Solace

3 February 2013


Hey cutieeesss, am so so grateful to God for a day like this cos it is the day He has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. Now before the year started I knew that it would be a wonderful year, a great one at that cos I can feel it and God has been blessing me its one testimony and the other. I had to blinggggg it onnn today with my embellisshed top and my big frame studded bag which I have had for some time now when I saw it on Asos I couldnt take my eyes off it I told myself gotta have it gotta have it and yes I did have it lolll I love bags. The tuxedo blazer was from Dorothy Perkins was on sale and I saw myself in it lolll I love bargains and I am a sucker for getting good ones too. Wishing and praying that your week would be purpose filled and with God's blessings too.

xoxo love ya

Blazer - Dorothy Perkins
Top - Newlook
Trousers - Dorothy Perkins 
Shoes - Dorothy Perkins
Bag - Asos


  1. Love the outfit. Wow. Clever, stylish and not over done. Did you snag tons of compliments???

  2. Awww thanks yes I sure did lolll.


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