Fashion, God, Life, Family and Inspirational Solace

1 January 2014

2014 IS HERE

Yayyyyyy, 2014 is here beautiful people, how are you feeling? excited? elated? happy? expectant? I bet all rolled in one. I am very excited about this year, I have good feelings about it, cos I know God would do a new thing this year and we would definitely know it. This is our year of answered prayers, of our desires been met and a year of unlimited favour and great opportunities.

No doubt its been God all the way, we bless Him for 2013 all the challenges, the experiences, the joys, the sorrows, the troubles, the trials, the tribulations, the victories and we thank Him for granting us the grace and mercy to see a New Year.

I want to use this opportunity to thank all you my wonderfully followers to all those who leave comments on my blog and also who find time to read too. You would be highly lifted up by our Almighty Father.

I promise that this year things would be different on my blog yea yea I would put up post more often so please I would love to hear any suggestions you have on how to move my blog forward and as you do God will bless you abundantly in Jesus name. Amen

Welcome to 2014.

Love you loads





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