Fashion, God, Life, Family and Inspirational Solace

3 January 2014

Style Icon: Portia of JustPorsh

'Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children Psalm 90:16'

Happy New Year once again my lovely, beautiful people, hope you are all doing great? you looking forward to this wonderful year I bet. We have so much to thank God for, I do. This month would be my blog's firstanniversary can't believe its a year old lol and just thinking of how best to celebrate it.

As you all know I do celebrate beautiful people who has inspired me one way or the other not just with what they wear but with their great personalities too. What glorious way to start the new year with our style icon of the month. I present to you Portia of JustPorsh.

Her name is Nwaokonko Portia and she is a graduate of Law who has a strong passion for fashion, she loves reading novels, listening to songs and surfing the internet. I love, love the way she makes simple outfits look chic, elegant and sophisticated. I call her 'Darling moi' one beautiful lady I am dying to meet in person. When I discovered her blog I fell in love with her completely and when I got to know her I found out we share some things in common.

She is cute, beautiful, God's own special specie, humble, attractive, style inspiration, elegant and chic. Am very sure when you go through her pictures and also her blog you would agree with me that she is one in a lifetime woman.



  1. Ye I believe U ma, She is cute, beautiful, humble, attractive, elegant and chic. have not meet her before but I do visit her blog and she use to visit my entertainment blog before I quit.........

  2. She's beautiful and tempting..........

  3. Darling moi!

    I just want to say a very big Thank you!
    You've been a blessing to me and for that I'm grateful to God for making us meet.
    God bless you for me!

    1. Amen and Thanks for your comment on my blog. God make u bigggger

  4. She's Gorgoeus

  5. gorgeous lady,i love her simple and chic style of wearing cloths


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