Fashion, God, Life, Family and Inspirational Solace

11 December 2013

Red & Pink

'Praise ye the Lord. O give thanks unto the Lord for he is good; for his mercy endureth forever Psalm 106:1'

Hello everyone, how are you doing? I missed you guys, and please do forgive me for this late post, am trying to rest a lil bit when I can if I am not busy, and its all for good dearies. Let me welcome you to December, yayyyy Christmas is around the corner well I am looking forward to it but I bet my kids are looking forward to it more than me. I miss Christmas in Nigeria, thats the only thing I miss lol, its always fun you get to meet all your friends, relatives etc. Don't know if anyone is old school like me, I remember my childhood days on Christmas day we get to go from one house to the other well before you say it 'I am an ajepako' lol but it was fun at the end of the day you get to gather round your money and think of what you would buy with it.

Don't have too much words to say but I just want to thank God for everything, from January till this December its been God and no one else, don't know where I would have been if not for His mercies, I also thank God for my wonderful and beautiful family, my ever blessed readers and followers even commentators lol, I bless the name of the Lord for giving me wonderful friends too just know you have all have been an inspiration to me one way or the other. And as this year ends I pray that God would give us an all round year blessings in Jesus name. Amen

When I see how other ladies combine this two beautiful colours I am amazed so I decided to give it a trial and I must say it worked. Sometimes its allowed to break fashion rules. Am wearing a crop high neck top from Boohoo and a knit skirt from River Island very stylish and comfortable. Now I can get away with wearing crop top I don't think I would dare wear it after I give birth lol.

Please do enjoy my pics. Any plans for xmas? Lets share our thoughts.

Crop Top: Boohoo// Knit Skirt: River Island// Clutch: Newlook// Shoes: Jasper Conran// Necklace: Newlook//

Love you guys,




  1. Hey Babe! you are doing so well and you deserve the rest. Love the colours you are rocking in this post.

  2. Pregnant and rocking ca crop top?!
    Hot momma!
    You look amazing.
    Love the colors. Beautiful neck piece.

    1. Thanks darling moi, really appreciate your comments.

  3. Yummy mummy! You look so beautiful, your skin is glowing! x x

  4. My stylish preggy babe. You look fab dearie. xx

  5. You look very lovely Esther.
    Happy holidays+God bless u+ur family:-)

    1. Awww thanks darl, same to you too and your family

  6. you look so elegant..i like this look


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