Fashion, God, Life, Family and Inspirational Solace

13 November 2013

Stripey Prints

'Judge not, that ye be not judged Matthew 7:1'

Quite a while everyone, how are y'all doing? Hope great? How has your week been so far? Am so sorry I know this is a late post the week is always a busy one for me attending to kids, taking care of my number one baby my own Deltan King, taking Sienna to school, attending to customers too, in all I bless God for giving me the strenght and the ability too.

Sometimes we are quick to point our fingers at others when they go wrong, infact we start pouring out our sentences for each offence when in actual fact we do exactly the same thing the other person has done, the bible says you should first remove the beam that is in your own eye before trying to remove  the tiny speck in your brothers eye. We have no right to judge someone else especially if you have not walked in their shoes, everyone has different measure of grace bestowed upon them yours is quite different from the other person. Instead of judging why not pray for the person, if you can't call them to order. Remember the same measure you use in judging others the same would be measured unto you.

Yea I went there again, mixed two different prints, when I bought this skirt I said to myself I have to mix it up with a stripe top or a jumper, since its officially autumn/winter the weather is not anyones friend I mean its a bit cold did I just say a bit it is cold lol. I make sure my coat is always with me cos British weather is not reliable at all one minute its a bit cold the next its actually freezing. I made sure I stayed in the same colour zone didnt want too much clash of colours since the skirt is a red one.

My sister said my bump looks like a football lol, what do you think? Hope you enjoy the pics.

Jumper: House of Fraser// Skirt: Boohoo// Shoes: Newlook// Bag: Zara//

Enjoy the rest of the week dearies




  1. Awww! look at you! lovely as always and your bump is cute :)

  2. Hello! I love your blog but you need to work on your pictures, make it clearer

  3. "Football" ...then it should be a boy this . Gorgeous mama. Xoxo

  4. Lol, fingers crossed oh. Thanks darling


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