Fashion, God, Life, Family and Inspirational Solace

9 June 2013

Orange Crush

'Arise, shine: for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee Isaiah 60:1'

My future is bright, beautiful and bold. I call it the 3B's. Hello everyone and Happy Sunday to you my beautiful people, how was your week?,  And how was your weekend too? Had fun? Well I did lets just say fun and work mixed together, had my hands full, got my childhood friend visit from Nigeria, last time I saw her was when I was a nipper lol. Am so sorry couldnt do a makeup tips post and also what is trending too, I would make it up to you guys I promise.

 Yes God has a purpose for everyone and we were created to fill a void in the world, the same way God gave us brains to use, He expects us to act when we are supposed to, yes we should pray quite alright but in some cases He wants us to do something and not just prayer. When Moses got to the Red Sea he saw and knew he couldnt cross it with the children of Isrealites, he looked up and cried unto God, he was asked what was in his hands. He replied 'rod' God said use it man, why cry unto me when you can use what you have to get what you want, if you understand what I mean. So I say unto you, stop praying and start acting, you want that a job, then apply for one, you want a new house then start saving up. You want a degree then start studying, you want to get married then be the best so that God can give you His best. Act.

Seen something new? Lol, launched my natural hair finally. I kept putting it off cos I wanted the hair to grow a bit, chopped the whole hair off after I gave birth to my second Deltan Princess, I just wanted something different well chopping my hair off is not really new to me cos I have done it couple of times before. for now I think I can boldly say no more to weaves lol. I remember one time I wanted to cut the hair, I asked my Deltan King to do it and he kinda did an agreement thing, wrote it down and asked me to sign it just incase I change my mind after cutting the hair so he wont be held liable lol. He is team hair natural though. Hope you like my new hair oh yes tinted it a bit hence the colour.

Yet another monochromatic look this time its orange baby, I wasnt actually looking for an orange dress but when I was buying some clothes for a client online boom I saw this orange lantern dress from  I just couldnt resist it lol before I knew it I bought it and couldnt wait for it to come when it did, I was so glad, wore my orange pumps from Zara and added a belt I got from Warehouse and I was good to go.

Enjoy the pics darlings.

Dress: Boohoo// Belt: Warehouse// Shoes: Zara// Clutch: Accessorize//


  1. You look gud in those!

    Oh, and younger too!

  2. Love your new haircut! Your children are so adorable! You should feature them more often ;)

  3. I loved this outfit when I saw it on Instagram but I love it more here!
    You look stunning!
    Orange is such an amazing color on u.
    I'm in love with the monochrome trend and I want to to it in every color but can't get my hands on items needed. :( Oh well.

    Your princesses are adorable!

    1. JustPorsh wish you could see my head now its swelling, I know brown people dont blush but I am right now lol. Thanks so much for your wonderful comments. Are you on bb or whatsapp we can talk and I can help you get the items you need. And oh whats your dress size?

      Thanks so much meanwhile cant wait to see your houndstooth and monochrome look on your blog.

  4. Really loving the hair, am also nursing my natural hair too,its about 4months gone.I guess nothing like the natural sides you look fab

    1. Thats great, cant wait to see it, yipppee team natural lol. Thanks love

  5. Your shoes and the whole ensemble is gorgeous!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I totally love your blog. The orange shoes are amazing and i love your dress too. Cute little fashionistas you have. I have followed your instagram and blog. I will definately come back soon. I will appreciate if you can follow my blog.


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