Fashion, God, Life, Family and Inspirational Solace

4 April 2013

20 Lil Things About Me

Hi Everyone,

How are you all doing, hope your day is going great, decided to do this post to let you more into my world. Here are 20 things about me, yea yea I know you cant know something in totality cos one keeps discovering new things about oneself everyday.

20. I hate flying: I dont like the fact that one is suspended in space and there is nothing you can do about it lol. Whenever I am in a plane I never ever go to sleep at all and I dont sit close to the window too loll.

19. I love cartoons and animated movies: I am a big sucker for cartoons call me a baby lol I actually go to the cinemas to watch animated movies cos of my love for cartoons, my kids and I dont have a problem sharing the remote.

18.  I don't  like heights at at, I cant stand at the edge of a story building would have an urge to jump God forbid oh loll.

17. I love lasagna - an italian dishes infact when I was pregnant with my second child it was one of my cravings.

16.  I love love carrot cake my Deltan King teases me all the time he says I could be kidnapped with carrot cake loll.

15. I am the first child of my parents.

14. I love reading, well used too before I had my kids now dont really have the time to read a book except e-book.

13. I love watching 'Criminal Minds' a tv series even my 3 year old daughter hums the tune when it starts loll.

12. My favourite channel is '151 on sky' 'E' Entertainment

11. I am an extrovert with me there is no dull moment, I love making people smile and happy.

10. I am from Delta State, Nigeria, West Africa, Africa now thats a mouthful lolll.

9.  I detest lying and pretentious people, cant stand them.

8. I am very meticulous, my Deltan King reckons I got OCD which I have denied several times loll.

7.  I am 37 years old. I know I dont look it right lolll.

6. House of Sienna is actually named after my first daughter and its also a fashion place where people buy things name it anything you want that is fashion related I would get them to you. I ship to Nigeria and Africa too.

5.  I love singing, its one of my passions been singing since I was a nipper, am also part of my church choir and working on my single too.

4.  Yes I love fashion as you all know, anything to make me look good I am in and anything that has to do with beauty too. I can shop for England lol, I could actually shop a whole day without eating yes I can.

3. I got 2 Deltan Princesses, a three year old and 9 months old baby both born in July, my first is July 13th while my second is July 9th and no I didnt plan it, God did loll, They are everything to me, I love them so so much. They are for signs and wonders. Sienna (Italian name: means brownish) who is the first is a tomboy she loves cars instead of dolls and loves trucks in place of shoes while my other baby Sachi (Japanese name: means child of joy) is a girly girl I can tell lolll.

2. I love God too, Jesus is my Friend and the Holy Spirity my companion without them I am nothing.

1. I am married and I LOVE my DELTAN KING, he is the love of my life, my inspiration, my soulmate, he supports me 100% and pushes me to achieve my goals.

Have a lovely weekend dearies,



  1. Gorgeous momma!
    I feel like I know u really well now. lol. Would do a post like this soon. Thanks for sharing. :D

  2. Awww thanks JustPorsh, I appreciate your coomments and for taking out time to read it too. Ok cant wait to read your post too.

  3. Nice look good

  4. swit,thumbs up cupcake *hugs*

  5. This is my best

  6. Which part nof Delta u guys from?


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