Fashion, God, Life, Family and Inspirational Solace

9 October 2013

Hat Trick

'By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaketh Heb: 11:4'

Hello lovelies, how are y'all doing? I bet you are doing great. How was your weekend? Sorry for the late post was so busy especially with school runs cos Sienna has started pre-school its been a bit challenging but we are getting there lol. Am so happy she is out of the house for some hours at least I can have some needed rest that is if Sachi would allow me too lol. Sachi seems to be the quiet one but I think Sienna has rubbed off her extrovert anointing on her hahaha.

Yes I know some of us have celebrities who we love infact who are our favourite, when there is a movie premiere in your town and you find out your favourite actor or actress is on that film you would want to go and just take a peek at them especially when they walk on the red carpet sometimes you even go early so that you can stand on the front row probably call out to them to take pictures with you or sign an autograph sometimes we just wanna touch them and when you do you get all excited lol, I know that feeling but guess what they are humans just as you and after you touch them it doesnt really change your life does it? But when you touch God I can guarantee you that your whole life will be affected and you wont remain the same.

We are used to God touching us, we pray for the touch of God now lets do it the other way round how about we touch God so that He can in turn move in our lives, remember the woman with the issue of blood she didnt wait for Jesus to touch her, she did the touching and she was made whole, she left her comfort zone, she pressed, she pushed and she got what she wanted. If we want God to change our lives then lets leave our comfort zone, lets press on lets push to touch God and as we do God would do abundantly much more than we ask or think in our lives.

See you are the top dearies.

Now to my outfit, bought this dress last year I didnt know it would still accomodate my growing baby bump but it did and oh I havent started wearing any maternity clothes yet still wearing my normal size 10 clothes and it fits perfectly. I just wanted something different that was why I added the hat.

Hope you love the pics. Let me know your thoughts.

Dress: Dorothy Perkins// Shoes: PleasersUSA//  Clutch: Zara// 
Hat: Thrifted//


  1. First that whole talk about touching God did touch amazing what words can do and the impact they have on us.dn d finally ur outfit z really nice and d hat gives it a more elegant look and d shoes,d shoes...really nice!however am still looking for white pumps*sighs* n i think every shoe dealer in naija has my number bt still nothing. All d same u look good...En_kay

    1. Am so glad that you were touched by God's word, and thanks so much for your kind words. Awww would be on a lookout for white pumps for you. Thanks once again

  2. Awesome message it's true we need to touch God so that we can be changed. I love your outfit, red looks good on you

    1. Thanks so much dearie, I really appreciate your comments.

  3. If we can all do it the other way round when it comes to God, i'm sure a lot of things would have fallen into place. I wish when i'm pregnant, I would not really need to purchase maternity clothes. Looking good.

    1. Yea you are so right. Thanks so much for your kind words.

  4. Pregnant and still rocking size 10 clothes?!
    You are one hot momma!
    You look amazing! Love the dress.
    I want your shoessss! All of dem!

    Ps. Your message really got to me. Been waiting on God for something but didn't get it n I just gave up.
    My question is, how do we press forward and touch God(I knw we can't do that lieterally).

    1. Lol darling moi, you can have all my shoes as long as its your size lol, Thanks darling.

      You can actually press forward and touch God when we abide by Him, we do the usual, you know like when Solomon made a thousand offering he knew it would definitely touch God and when David danced naked before God remember He called David a man after His own heart, if you want something from God then you have to do something that would cost you, you have to go where no one is willing to go, take the extra mile. Do His work, spend and be spent for both monetary and time wise. I hope this helps

  5. You make me wanna get pregnant girl! You look gorgeous.

  6. Looking good hot mama :)

  7. Lol...real hat trick! Look great pregnant

  8. Word!!!!!

    Love the green clutch. You make dressing up during preggs look so easy :)

  9. I love how you matched the colours together

  10. Sis u look so hot! U do it anytime and it jst keep speaking loud! God is never a man that he should lie nor d son of man that he should repent anytime we reach out to him HE make good his promises in our lives and all we need do is come home to the FATHER who loves us more than anything in the world and HE'L shake off d dust frm our lives watch us with HIS precious blood till we'r sparklin white and make us a SHOW PIECE to our World. God Bless U Sis, hugz!


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